29 South Webster Street, Suite 370 Naperville,
IL 60540

Our Illinois immigration and nationality law attorney at Kasturi Law helps green card applicants appeal a denial of their lawful permanent resident cards because we understand this can be a complex and lengthy process.

Our skilled green card attorney helps our clients understand the specific reasons for the denial, choose the appropriate method to challenge it, and prepare a thorough and compelling case, which are critical steps to improving their chances of a successful outcome.

Green Card Denial

How Can a Green Card Attorney Help Appeal My Application’s Denial?

Our skilled immigration attorney’s expertise and experience can significantly enhance your ability to successfully appeal a green card denial. We provide crucial support in understanding the denial, determining the best action, preparing a solid case, and navigating the complex appeals process.

Here are the key ways our attorney can assist you in this process:

  • Review the denial notice carefully to understand why S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) denied your application.
  • Explain complex legal and procedural issues that may have led to the denial.
  • Assess the likelihood of success based on the facts of your case and previous legal precedents.
  • Advise whether filing a motion to reopen, a motion to reconsider, or an appeal is the most appropriate and determine whether your case should be appealed to the Administrative Appeals Office (AAO) or the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA).
  • Help correctly fill out Form I-290B, Notice of Appeal or Motion, and file the necessary forms and supporting briefs outlining your appeal’s legal and factual basis.
  • Assist in gathering new evidence or presenting existing evidence more compellingly.
  • Craft a solid legal argument to address the reasons for the denial, demonstrate why the decision should be reconsidered, and ensure your response addresses all issues raised in the denial notice comprehensively and persuasively.

We will handle all communication with USCIS on your behalf, including responding to requests for additional information. If your case requires an interview or hearing, our experienced green card denial attorney can help you prepare thoroughly and represent you during the hearings, advocating on your behalf and addressing any legal questions.

Knowing that an experienced professional is handling your case can provide significant peace of mind during a stressful process and develop a strategic plan tailored to your unique situation, maximizing your chances of a successful outcome.

Contact Our Immigration Attorney Today For Consultation

Contact our immigration law firm today to schedule a consultation that suits your needs.

Whether you prefer an in-person meeting, a phone call, or a Zoom session, we are here to accommodate you. You can even schedule a consultation directly using our online calendar, choosing between 30-minute or 60-minute timeframes. We value your time and want to ensure that your immigration questions receive the attention they deserve, helping you confidently move forward.